Redirection Caused by Delta Search Hijacker

DeltasearchhijackerDelta Search Hijacker is an application that is responsible for automatic redirections to website. Many victims have no idea how it got there until they open Internet browser and see a page other than the one they used to have. The changes affect default search engine, home page and New Tab. The worst part is that even though one tries to reset search tool to a previous one via Internet Settings, the changes are not applied.

Delta Search as many other browser hijackers is distributed bundling it with freeware or shareware. You should be very careful installing anything that declares it is free of charge. Usually such installation wizards have checkboxes marked by default informing that additional toolbars will be added. By not taking these off a computer user theoretically agrees upon having these applications.

Delta Search Hijacker earns money for its developers by redirecting traffic to the sites it promotes. You may also see advertisements being displayed much more often than before having this toolbar. Delta Search itself is not a virus and is not directly related to malware but the advertisements displayed might be of malicious origin and infect your computer.

In order to protect your PC it is recommended to remove this hijacker as soon as it was detected. Not all of antivirus programs have the feature of identifying and removing hijackers therefore before scanning your system you should make sure the tool you use is capable of performing the task. For the best results follow Delta Search Hijacker removal instructions.

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