Security Defender is nothing more than a scam that was made to trick your money away from you. Hopefully you read this article before you paid for a full version of a program. If you already purchased it and only then realized that something is wrong with your new software, contact your credit card company as soon as possible and try to cancel the payment. Please note, that cyber criminals have not only your money but your credit card details as well. Let’s have a more detailed look at Security Defender.
Rogue security software is a form of Internet fraud that employs malicious software in order to deceive or mislead users into paying money for fake or simulated removal of malware. It might claim to get rid of malware, but the reality is that it injects more threats to the computer.
There are several signs that we are facing a so called fake or rogue antivirus. First of all, Security Defender starts scanning an infected computer without initiation of the process by a user. If your system is infected, you will be seeing a scan every time your PC is turned on. Comparing to legitimate security applications, these always ask for a permission to complete an action before it is done. Then as a rule of thumb, you will see a list of warnings and alerts informing about a terrible condition of your machine. Some examples of the messages are here:
Security Defender
External software tries to control variety of your system files. This may lead to breaking of some data in your system. Click here to protect remote access to your PC & delete these programs.
The third sign we have to deal with a fake antivirus is that Security Defender messages ask for a full version of the program to be bought. The latter is supposed to fix all the problems found. Alas, a full version of rogue antivirus does not have any virus database and cannot detect or remove any infections.
If you suspect your computer is infected with fake antivirus, you should not ignore the situation and remove Security Defender infection as soon as possible. Remember, most of rogue antiviruses tend to block existing computer security therefore an infected system is left unprotected.